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Saturday 21 March 2020

I am back

Hi. Im back. I feel weird but so excited.
Cant believe its been years since my last post.

So many things happened. Eg, a dear friend gave birth (?!) i mean, GAVE BIRTH!!!! made a baby.
Sounds so adult right. but believe me, we are all a child at heart.

Anyway, I want to start by sharing some rather depressing stuff. So today is 4th day since Restriction of Movement Order (RMO). Its COVID19 season. I am not home. I am not with my family. However, I am doing fine. I had a fever but its long gone.

Its the weekend but its been a very quiet one. Well, another 4 COVID deaths today, that makes it 8 in total. I dont know and done even want to think of how many could it be tomorrow. You can say im in denial. I cant believe COVID is really happening. It seems just like those in movies, you know.  I am scared. well... Malaysians are scared but we are hopeful.

Well i hope i'll post again tomorrow. Hopefully something real nice and good.

See ya

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