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Sunday 11 August 2013

First Stage of MMC Corporation Berhad Scholarship Programme 2013

On 15th of April, i received a phone call from Mr Syazwan from MMC Corporation Berhad telling me that i was qualified for the first stage of MMC Scholarship Programme interview process. So basically at that time, i havent received any other offer for scholarship programme. SO YEAHH!!^^ I was quite excited and surely, scared plus worries blended together. Some of  my friends from my previous school were also getting the same offer. They are Yana, Anis Mulyani, Nik Nur Ainin Soffiya and also Fatin Zulaikha. The best part is - we are all classmates for 2 years, f4 and f5! So it wast really problem for me to blend with them. We did have a very good time INDEED :D It was a good feeling to know that i have good friends along the way :')

To be exact, haha, i was clueless about what MMC stands for. I thought it was Multimedia College. After i did some research, i still didnt find the right meaning. So i guess it was Multimedia College untill the night before the first interview process. I PM Nik's fb and yeahh, she told me that actually MMC stands for Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad. There were thousands who applied for this prog but only 600+ were accepted to go for first interview process. Then, only 50+ will be chosen for 2nd Interview process where the scholar him or herself will be interviewed by the Board Directors of MMC. At last, only 10 lucky people will be accepted to enroll for the prog. These 10 will be enrolled into Kolej Yayasan UEM, Lembah Beringin for A-Level prog, for 2 years. 

MMC's Scholarship Prog is actually a very high class prog whereas each scholar will receive RM400 allowance every month, a laptop. To be enrolled into KYUEM is also a very enchanting feeling because you know..... KYUEM is the best A Level college in the world. Seriously, its never easy to be there unless you are willing to pay RM 67K for a year... err haha.

So when i was about to attend the interview, i was quite nervous since this was my first time attending a scholarship programme. Unlike others, Nik once attended PNB prog, Fatin for UEM prog, Yana for Felda prog. but me? i have never :(( i was in immense sorrow haha LOL. Like it or not, i still have to just follow the flow. Who knows this is the best path for me? Who knows this would be the ever unexpected happening in my life? Who knows?

Since i was from Pekan and the hotel was in Kuala Terengganu which it was impossible to reach there at 8 am on the interview day, so my mother decided to spend a night there to make everything smooth.

The day arrived. The session started at 8 am which means i got to be there few minutes earlier. I met Yana The Kecoh along the way there. We sempat chit chat yamcha lagi tau. Then we met Anis. Bila dah bertemu 3 makhluk ni bukan stakat chit chat minum yamcha je. tapi sampai bergossip you know! haha No lah. We did a kinda small discussion over the activities we were going to have on that day. The interview process were divided to 2 sessions. Essay writing and group presentation. For the first one, essay writing session, we were given 30 minutes to write about an essay based on the title given. I dont really remember what was the topic but its sorta.. what course are you taking and what do you think will happen in the course in the next 10 years. hmm. more less la. 

Oh yeah. I forgot to mention these 2 important guys, Mr Izham Ab Wahab and Mr Imran Hunied Tyeb. **How can i forget them?! How dare you sinaa!! :3** They are the guys who will guide us along the way from a to z and also up until now :) I dont know why, whenever i meet them, Mr Izham is like my own father and Mr Imran is like my Big broo. haha Cool Liddat huh.

In the next session, group presentation. We were divided into few groups. Mine was the last group consists of Yuhao, Idzham and Amir ( i think). Mann, i totally have no ideaaa what it was going to be like!! I was from all girls school and have been resting at home for 4 months without meeting any guys *ye ye je*. Then suddenly i was the only girl in the group and have to work with 3 guys??!! i was like..   :3 but somehow, i knew i have no other choice but just to go with the flow. Sometimes, something great might come in return when we have to face the unexpected :) *think positive*.So yeah, we were given a title to present about and time given to discuss over it was about 1 hour i guess.. We have to speak in English all the time since it was English Zone you know. Yuhao did help me A LOT when i have no idea what i was to talk about. Alhamdulillah. I did my best eventhough i did MUMBLE a bit. hehe. 

My group was the last group to present. Then we were told to sit on chairs in form of a semicircle while facing Mr Izham and Mr Imran. What we did was a kind of heart to heart session err not really heart to heart but they were commenting on our presentation, personality, English proficiency and so on. We were given chances to speak out and give our own opinions. I was sitting next to Yuhao. He talked a lot that made me feel like to do the same. Mr Izham shared his priceless experience of how he ended up being the Manager of Head Resource for the company. Know what? He is the youngest director in the company and his path to be the HR Manager was a bumpy one. Not an easy path. Hmm he is great, dont cha think so? 

That last session really made me think deep that whole day. I need to do something. My English isnt very good. Many things to be done. The whole session ended at about 2 PM. Fuhh! What a tough one ^^ 
We said goodbye to each other and thanks the big men for all the helps throughout the prog. As i stepped out of the room, i thought i could have time to rest in the hotel room or at least i can spend some time by the beach.. then, i saw my mother already waited for me. The moment i salam her, she told me that i can just go to the car after that because we were going back to Pekan at that time instead. hew hew hew. Melepassss :3

What a hectic day! Hmm, ive done telling you guys about my priceless moments being participated in a scholarship prog & i look forward to update about my 2nd Interview process. Hope this would be an interesting story aka experience you guys would feel worth to read^^

kay bye! see ya soon!^^

1 comment:

  1. Salam, Boleh saya dapatkan contact Encik Izham tak? Terima kasih. Do contact me 011-12489282
